Custom Designed Seven-Ingredient Batching System Provides a Better Solution
Custom Designed Seven-Ingredient Batching System Provides a Better Solution
A manufacturer of engineered refractory products required a custom designed automated Seven-Ingredient Batching System. The customer had five existing exterior storage hoppers which were retrofitted with new feed screw conveyors. The new screw conveyors transported their product into a five-ingredient net weigh hopper. In addition to the materials fed into the net weigh hopper, there are two Loss-of-Weight Bulk Bag Unloading stations which can simultaneously feed the desired amount of material. Both the net eight hopper and the Loss-of-Weight Unloading stations feed into a collection conveyor for transport to the existing mixer. A typical batch consists of 500 lbs. from the Loss-of-Weight Unloading stations and 1200 lbs. in the net weigh hopper with an accuracy of +/- 0.2%.