50 lb. Bag Dump Accessory Allows for the Addition of Hand Adds when Included with a Bulk Bag Unloader
50 lb. Bag Dump Accessory Allows for the Addition of Hand Adds when Included with a Bulk Bag Unloader
BPS’s(BD) Bag Dump featureis a special accessory which allowsthe addition of “hand adds” or thedumping of 50# bags, in the samesystem, as where 2000 lb. IBC bulkbags are unloaded. The cover isheld in “up” position to enablethe operator to use both hands foreasy loading.
Inside the bag dump, the 50 lb. bagis supported on a heavy protectivegrating whichprevents foreignitems or paper pieces fromentering the product flow. Theentire system is dust-tight.